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  1. Amanda
  2. Australian migration questions
  3. Wednesday, 10 July 2013
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My husband and I are moving to Perth in the next few weeks and my husband has been transferred with his current employer and will be on a 457 visa for 4 years. Is there a minimum time period before we can look at before applying for a mortgage on a 457 visa? We should have a good 30% deposit and thinking of buying for around $600,000.

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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Amanda,

Thank you for your enquiry. Your situation is quite different to the majority of 457 visa holders, in that your husband is being transferred with his existing company where most are starting with a new company. Normally they would want the applicant to be working for a minimum of 6 months and then again this would be dependent on their contribution.

In your situation, considering your deposit and having been transferred with an existing company, I would say there is no minimum time needed. I have had similar applications pre-approved even before arriving in the country. In most situations you would want a few months in Australia to determine which suburb you would want to live in anyway. You would also need to obtain Foreign Investment Review Board Approval . I hope this has helped and please do not hesitate to contact myself with anymore questions or if you would like to start the ball rolling with a pre-approval
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